Poniedziałek 13 Maj 2024,  imieniny: Agnieszki, Magdaleny, Serwacego

Gala Show 'Tarot'

Gala Show 'Tarot'

19.05.2024, godz: 20:00
Os. Tysiąclecia 15, Kraków, MŁODZIEŻOWY DOM KULTURY im. A. Bursy
Cena biletu: od 110,-zł
Pokaż z regionu:

Gala Show "Tarot" is a theatrical dance performance where the ancient art of tarot reveals its secrets through the language of dance. The archetypes will come to life, the Wheel of Fortune will turn, and the Moon and the Star will guide you away from the real world and deeper into yourself. For one night, the best tribal dancers worldwide will arrive in Cracow, Poland, and become a living tarot deck.

Join the festival and see how the boundaries between mysticism and reality shatter, and how the magic happens on stage and beyond it.

Sunday, May 19, 20:00

The program includes performances from:

Sara Lyn Vimana (Las Vegas, USA)

Ethel Anima (Krakow, Poland)

Valenteena Ianni (Rome, Italy)

Maria Fomina (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Rachael Redfern (London, UK)

and many others




Różni wykonawcy
    [3513] => dolnośląskie
    [6271] => kujawsko-pomorskie
    [8309] => lubelskie
    [8310] => lubuskie
    [8311] => łódzkie
    [8312] => małopolskie
    [8313] => mazowieckie
    [8314] => opolskie
    [8315] => podkarpackie
    [8316] => podlaskie
    [8317] => pomorskie
    [8318] => śląskie
    [8319] => świętokrzyskie
    [8320] => warmińsko-mazurskie
    [8321] => wielkopolskie
    [12345678] => Za granicą
    [8322] => zachodniopomorskie


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